Daily Archives: July 5, 2012

7.5.12 Merging and Coloring Images

Good afternoon! I hope you enjoyed the holiday and got to see some great fireworks. I wonder if you remembered to tell your family about how different elements give off different colors when their electrons jump energy levels. Need a refresher? Check out the post from Bohr Model and Flame Testing. If you want to find out more from about fireworks, check out Chemical of the Week: Fireworks. Isn’t science cool!?!?!!?!

My day in the lab involved learning how to merge and color the images of the cells on days 1 and 7. I was able to take the separate images taken of the sameĀ  location on the scaffold captured using the red filter to show the cytoskeleton of the mouse bone marrow cells: and using the green filter to show the nucleus of the same cells: and merged them into one image and added color to create this image: Again, how cool is that! Now I just need to add the scale and label the images. The plan for tomorrow is to fix and stain the samples for day 7 of the human bone marrow stem cells.